" 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place
and get some rest.’ So they went away by themselves
in a boat to a solitary place."
―Mark 6:30–32, NIV
My husband's old wooden boat began to take on water―again. The puddle of water encircling his new Sperry Top-Siders was a telltale sign that he had patched it far too many times. As he paddled his way to shore, he knew it was time to invest in a new boat. After all, what good is a boat that won’t float?
We all want to be vessels God can use. Is your boat seaworthy? Or are you simply struggling to stay afloat?
Jesus knew the wearying effects of service and the importance of taking a break from its ceaseless demands. He invited the disciples to come away with him to a quiet place. They welcomed his invitation to rest. We should welcome it too.
Scripture invites us to cast our cares on the Lord (1 Peter 5:7). Is there some baggage you need to cast aside before you step into the boat?
Let’s stabilize our boats this week. We can assure our boat stays afloat by laying our baggage at the feet of Jesus and prayerfully considering each piece. He will show us the pieces we need for our journey and those we need to leave behind.
Now it's your turn. Make a list of the things you believe are adding to your boat’s instability. Then ask, “Is this a piece I need to throw overboard, something only God can eliminate, or something I need to hold on to?”
God is looking for a steady boat. Toss the extra baggage and make room for his presence.
I welcome your comments.